I was encouraged recently to join a group on Ravelry called
From Robin's nest yarn. I was lured in with the idea of a weekly scavenger hunt, that had real prizes! I love contests! I joined the group, of lovely ladies, and for the past 2 or three weeks have tried my hand at the contest.
In the meantime I discovered that behind the scenes "From Robin's Nest" is an actual yarn and craft store, here in Utah. I hadn't heard of this Local Yarn Store. And anyone who knows me knows I have a fiber addiction, as most knitters do. I told Robin after she posted some enticing pictures of yarn, that I had to come see her store.
I copied down the address and one Saturday headed out with my handy dandy gps. I am glad I did. I was expecting her store to be in a strip mall as most yarn stores tend to be. After a few false turns I finally found her store, in a cute little house in a little cul-de-sac. A lovely wooden sign over the door telling me I had found the right place. I tentatively poked my head in the door and was kindly welcomed into a front room filled with yarn, and another customer. I was gently serenaded by the sounds of some birds in another room as I glanced over the shelves as Robin helped the other customer. Plenty of known brands met my gaze, in lovely colors.

Even though we had exchanged posts on Ravelry only once or twice, Robin quickly guessed who I was with my silly Ravelry name, Psst. She showed me which yarns she had that might work for my desire to make "Booby Socks". I picked up a lovely pair of Lorna's Laces skeins in Flamingo stripe. I also lusted over a skein of Cherry Tree Hill yarn to make a "Cowl me in the Morning". I purchased my lovely pink yarn, and made my excuses to go buy light bulbs, as I had snuck out of the house to run errands.
I have since learned that she has a internet portion to her store as well
Here I have not tried it, as I am only 15-20 minutes away, but after meeting Robin, and hearing from others, they are well pleased.
I have also returned with my oldest daughter to buy that tempting skein of Cherry Tree Hill yarn, and Robin was ever pleasant and helpful. We also discussed the prospects of other fibers in her store. I am excited for her growth.
I wish I had a cute little picture of her store front, but I didn't' think to take one when I went last.