Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Some of yesterday's work

I finished sewing these lunch bags for the 6th grade science class. They are going to tie dye them next week I believe.

lunch sacks

I also sat watching a Monk DVD from netflix, waiting for my two oldest daughters to be dropped home from church activities, working on the cabled purse project.

Another project I am working on besides the never ending stocking project is a pair of snake mitts that maerchen, a ravelry member, designed. I am one of several people that offered to test knit it for her.



Mary Ann said...

Nope, somehow I didn't post here yeterday! How did that happen!

I love the color of your snake mitts. I'll do the pattern after it's tested!

I love the cable bag too. I have it in my fav's but I don't own the book. I wonder if the library would have it. Probably not!

Wow, 6 kids!! Good for you! I loved having all the kids in the house when they were small. Now I prefer them in smaller numbers! lol

Talk to you on the boards!

Tracy said...

The pattern for the bag can be found here:

I am doing the longer one, but there is a shorter one too.